Founding Member
Georgetown, ON
Bone Health
OSTEOSOUND provides bone health analysis using a mobile device called the "Echolight Echo S”. This device uses innovative technology called R.E.M.S. (Radiofrequency Echographic Multi-Spectrometry), which combines ultrasound and radiofrequency to measure both the quantity and quality of bone. Bone health is important at all stages of life and is the foundation for vitality and strength!
We reach peak bone mass at age 30, but our current healthcare system does not support bone health assessment unless there is a family history of osteoporosis, or one reaches the age of 65. We now have the ability to preventatively monitor our bone health status and get a baseline as early as age 21.
Our assessments are quick, safe and easy! We'll also help you understand your results!
Although our Headquarters is in Georgetown, ON at 330 Guelph St., we also have a mobile service! We can come to your business, clinic and even your home! We look forward to meeting you!
• REMS Bone Health Analysis• Bone Scans