Founding Member
Barrie Ontario and Virtual
Mental Health
Counselling and Therapy
Brain Health
I was inspired to create Insightfuliving Services, a solution to the gaps in the mainstream mental health system. With 30 years of professional mental health background coupled with my personal life experiences I wanted to bring to each client a holistic, comforting&thoughtful approach to their wellness journey. As a mental health counsellor I recognized that brain function is an important part of someone's overall health that I felt was overlooked and ignored. With a family member struggling to deal with a traumatic brain injury & a host of other mental health issues I began a search that led me to the Brain Echo Technology. It is a non-invasive auditory neuro-modulation technology -simply put, the Brain mirrors itself so that it can see where it can help itself to Relax Rebalance & Reset. With a brain that functions better you may find improved restorative sleep, stabilized mood, increased energy, stress regulation & better cognitive function to help learning, memory, focus and concentration just to name a few! When your brain is balanced and is in harmony it performs better for you! While currently providing mental health supports with the student athletes at a private school I continue to offer counselling and brain echo services to those seeking personal growth and awareness to facilitate maximizing their potential one step at a time.
Member and Registered with OCSWSSW #317324 in good standing.
Certified Brain Tech Coach
MentaL Health Counselling
• Brain Echo Technology/Brain Tech Coach• Mental Health Counselling• Wellbeing Coaching• Facilitator• Speaker